Monday, 16 September 2013

Autumn Is Coming

Hello all, 

Autumn is well and truly here, those crisp air mornings, dark and cosy evenings and thicker knits inching their way into our wardrobes, its all quite lovely and as Autumn is my favourite season, I'm fully embracing all the wonders that come with it, besides the cold that struck me bed bound for 3 days. My only complaint is the lack of light I have come half past six when I make it home from work, it is pretty non-existent, which makes for some tricky blogging. Cue some snappy snapping on my weekends, I hope to master the outfit post pose in the coming months. 

Sans camera, I thought I'd simply put fingers to keyboard (my 'b' is refusing to respond-proving to be quite difficult- lots of copy & paste action going on) and share a few things I'm loving or looking forward to this A/W. 

Downton Abbey! Oh yes, I love it- I got hooked on it when I was living in Spain and had watched the complete boxsets of Friends and Sex and The City one too many a time, I stumbled upon this gem and fell totally in love with it. There is something so cosy about watching it. I must give an honourable mention to Mr Selfridge, too. ITV, you are my saviour on cold nights this Autumn. 

Boots. I am on the hunt for my new A/W boots. Normally Topshop does the honours but I'm still searching... I was debating over this pair   but when I tried them on in store, they felt a little too stiff and I just wasn't sure and the boy managed to talk me out of buying them. Damn you, Aaron.

Autumnal Trends. Yes, a bit of a cliché I admit but it is perhaps the most important and popular style season for a reason, it is just so darn good. A bit of leather, opaque tights, smock dresses and a ruffle of fur and black upon more black- what is not to love?
Picking out your new winter coat is quite the occasion, I'm thinking this little number might do the trick? 
And of course we can't forget the wine stained lips, authentic or with a swipe of lacquer, totally up to you.

Healthy eating. Yes, you read that correctly. I'm looking forward to getting back onto that bandwagon. I find it so much easier to diet in the winter months, I don't drink a hell of a lot anyway but in the colder months, I'm much happier with a hot brew than a glass of wine and I find if I ever get a hunger pang, I can have a got drink and I'll soon forget about snacking. I'm going to join a slimming club with my mum and I actually quite enjoy having a routine, plus I've said it on here now so there is no going back. 

Skincare. I know I've waxed lyrical about skincare on here but I'm excited to be trying more and more skincare bits, I've picked up a few new items recently which I'll talk about on here in due time and I have plenty more on my hitlist. Hint: rose oil has got me in a floral frenzy, gimme, gimme!

There is my five for Autumn- what are you looking forward to this season? And if you got my post title, kudos to you- you're my kinda person.

Rachel xo

*Image from Pinterest

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