Sunday, 20 October 2013

Philip Kingsley Original vs. Extreme

When it comes to matters of my hair, my mantra is often the bigger the better. So when I was browsing online for Philip Kingsley, knowing I had to get my hands on the famous pre-shampoo 'Elasticizer' treatment,  my mouse was hovering over the original and the Extreme version for a long while, so I went with my gut and clicked on 'Extreme'. 

My judgement went off 'the drier my hair, the more ooomph it's going to need' and I often pluck for the most hydrating/ replenishing/ nourishing..(yada, yada, yada)  version of a  hair treatment I can find so it's familiar territory for me. 
However, this Elasticizer Extreme is too much, even for my dehydrated hair. The heavy consistency was impossible to wash out of my hair so I tended to use this on, say, a Friday or Saturday night when it wouldn't matter how unkempt my hair looked the next day as it can leave a matted and slightly sticky texture in my hair. 
As negative as this is sounding, I definitely reaped the rewards post-application in the following days.. soft and strong hair, be mine...Just not too often, as I couldn't fit a scheduled bad hair day into my diary and I have avoided using this huge tub for that reason alone.

When the original Elasticizer fell into my lap with my monthly InStyle read, I was so pleased to get to try the original as I can't say I ever would have, having somewhat iffy feelings on the Extreme and not knowing how much I'd enjoy forking out more money for something that didn't initially blow me and has since sat in the bathroom, unloved. 

I am much happier with the original Elasticizer, it is lighter in my fine hair and washes away easier, though a lather, rinse, repeat is still required to shift every last trace. My hair feels fuller and bouncier post-application, which I'm sure is an unintentional but very welcome side-effect. 

The original Elasticizer doesn't leave a hint of 'the morning after the night before' look or feel to my hair which I definitely experienced with Elasticizer Extreme, though it's still early days. I'm off to experiment further and slap a mask onto my hair today, 'cause that's what Sundays are for. 

Rachel xo

1 comment:

  1. I'm always so tempted to try the Elasticizer, but I just can't face the idea of a pre-shampoo treatment. I'm too lazy, I just want the hair washing process to be done! I'm glad I read this though, otherwise I'd have probably gone for the extreme version!

    - Tabitha at Scared Toast x
