Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Auburn Inspiration

I am very simple with my hair, I've had blonde highlights since I was around 13-14 and then 2 years ago I tried the ombre look and it wasn't all that great or noticeable so I just let it fade out, but it left my hair so dry and it snapped off quite a lot. Since then I have been very careful with my hair and have only coloured it two or three times since, in a salon with highlights I might add, to try and prevent any further damage. So now I have the remnants of the odd slice of blonde in my hair but nothing too exciting. Hence, I am so bored of my hair and I can't afford to keep piling on the notes of ash and bleach blonde (damage wise, though keeping your roots at bay can be costly on your purse too).
My hair does a slight warm tone to it and I have been thinking about having a sort of, for lack of a better word, ginger tone to it. The top left picture is my ideal type of colour I am debating. After a short session on google it turns out this pretty lady is   Joséphine de La Baume. Though I also like when Blake Lively went this cool copper colour, though I don't know if I'm brave enough for this. Karen Gillan's auburn is darker and more subtle, at least it is in this picture. 

I don't know if I'm at all brave enough to do anything at all with my hair because being blonde feels a bit like a security blanket because I don't really have to think about if a certain colour or tone will look odd or contrast with my hair. Maybe one day I will muster up some courage. 

Rachel xo

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